Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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More corn for meat and ethanol, less habitat for Gulf fish
As if the Deepwater Horizon disaster weren’t enough, this year’s dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is one of the largest ever.
New-potato nirvana, transformed into a meal
When the first potatoes came in this week, I made a classic post-harvest "second breakfast." Get the recipe.
With the global climate pact dead, China gets hungry for U.S. factory pork
China's growing appetite for meat -- and its rapid conversion to U.S.-style industrial meat production -- may prove just as damaging to the climate as its growing proliferation of cars. The only winners will be U.S. exporters of cheap corn and cheap pork.
Financial-reform bill limits the speculation in ag commodity markets that sparked food crisis
While we mourn the dead climate legislation, it's worth noting that something non-hideous emerged from Congress last week. Buried within the financial reform bill, there's a set of provisions that evidently limit excessive speculation in ag commodity markets -- something that drove more than 100 million people into hunger in 2008.