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  • What's the President Worth? For Doing What?

    Driving home the other night, I heard a snatch of radio discussion about whether we’re paying the president enough. If I understood the argument while dodging traffic, it seems that corporate executive salaries have soared so high that the president’s salary is puny by comparison. Company CEOs earn millions. Michael Eisner of Disney earns in […]

  • Electric Cars Run Out of Gas

    Honda has pulled the plug on its production of electric vehicles, becoming the first major automaker to admit that the battery-powered cars aren’t making inroads with consumers. Honda plans to focus on other alternative-fuel technologies, such as fuel cells, and some industry watchers speculate that the company’s move may indicate that it has another zero-emissions […]

  • A review of 'Song of the Meadowlark' by James Eggert

    In this gentle and disjointed collection of essays, economist James Eggert pushes his quantitative impulses aside and puts his ecological consciousness front and center. A professor at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, he argues in Song of the Meadowlark: Exploring Values for a Sustainable Future that classical economic values should play second fiddle to what he terms "meadowlark values," or priorities that esteem the natural world over indiscriminate growth. Eggert propounds that along with environmental impact statements, we as a society conduct "grandchild impact statements" to evaluate how our actions will affect the quality of life for generations to come.

  • The Dow Passes 10,000 — Hooray?

    Wow! The Dow Jones average is over 10,000! And still, as of this writing, rising. Judging from the media celebration, here is proof positive that America is thriving. But who or what is actually thriving? There are two ways to answer that question. One is to travel around America — all of it, the inner […]