Copenhagen climate talks
What can we expect from the Durban climate talks?
Cross-posted from Climate Progress. Next week, Climate Progress will be heading to the COP 17 climate conference in Durban, South Africa, to report on any developments coming out of the meeting. […]
Can the Durban climate negotiations succeed?
Photo: DG EMPL Cross-posted from An Economic View of the Environment. Two weeks of international climate negotiations begin today in Durban, South Africa. These are the Seventeenth Conference of the […]
Canada’s step away from the Kyoto Protocol can be a constructive step forward
Canada confirmed Friday that it will not take on a target under an extension of the Kyoto Protocol following the completion of the first commitment period, 2008-2012. Given that Canada […]
Bill McKibben’s must-watch speech at Power Shift
Bill McKibben gave a fiery speech to young climate activists Saturday night at Power Shift 2011. Here’s the video and transcript: All right, listen up. Very few people can ever […]
What can we expect on climate and energy in China in 2011?
This will be a big year for climate and energy policy development in China, so we thought we'd highlight some of the key stories to watch out for.
Why Cancun trumped Copenhagen: warmer relations on rising temperatures
During weeks of discussions in Cancun that wrapped up on Dec. 12, the world's governments achieved consensus on a set of substantive steps forward.
The top five stories of the year for climate hawks
Here are the top stories that mattered for climate hawks this year. Some of them aren't even depressing!
Climate defeats come from D.C., not Copenhagen and Cancun
The climate war isn't over, but those who are fighting to cut emissions haven't won lately. The latest defeat, however, did not occur at in Cancun. Rather, it took place in Washington, D.C.
Memo: Fox News reporters ordered to promote Climategate conspiracy theory
In a memo obtained by Media Matters, Fox News Vice President Bill Sammon ordered his reporters to question global warming, citing conspiracy theories about scientists based on Climategate.