A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
The city estimates that its wildly popular subsidies are helping to eliminate 170,000 vehicle miles traveled per week.
Fixing car and e-bike batteries saves money and resources — but challenges are holding back the industry.
How developing countries' 30-year battle for "loss and damage" funding culminated in a new agreement in Egypt.
Professors are increasingly combining classroom instruction with efforts to "green" campuses.
Farmers and scientists are increasingly observing that unusually high springtime temperatures can kill pollen and interfere with the fertilization of crops.
It’s unfair to force people out of their homes. We have to do it anyway.
Patrick Brown is trying to tell a complicated story about climate change. Many don't want to hear it.
E. Bruce Harrison developed the "Three Es" in the 1970s. Now the framing is everywhere.
Gas stations caused a $20 billion toxic mess — and it’s not going away.