A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
New research links more than 150,000 infant deaths to 30 monsoons in the South Asian country.
Doubling the annual pace of energy efficiency progress would achieve half of the emissions reductions needed by 2030.
Four federal agencies this month unveiled a “national blueprint for transportation decarbonization,” an 88-page roadmap toward a sustainable transportation sector by 2050.
California’s Park Fire displaced thousands of people. What will happen to them?
A new study, drawing on five years of data collected across 84 countries, proves what seems self-evident.
The government of Wales announced on Tuesday that it would cancel all its major road-building projects over climate concerns.
"It does continuously feel like that you are trying to prove that you are worthy of life."
Cool roofs reflect sunlight and reduce the urban heat island effect.
Technology to eliminate per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances – known for their links to fertility problems and some cancers – could be on the horizon.