A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
But zeroing out emissions could create a green Industrial Revolution, a new report says.
'We're looking at some measure of greenwashing in the largest program in the world.'
Jonshell Johnson-Whitten, a Black farmer and educator in New Orleans’s Lower Ninth Ward, believes that farming is about “getting to a place where people are finding respect for the land and also themselves.”
Tiny particles including tire dust found in ice cores stretching back 50 years, showing global plastic contamination.
U.S. air quality has gotten better, but disparities remain
A new analysis takes a wide look at the company’s influence in Arizona, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and West Virginia.
Georgia police are invoking a 2017 terrorism law against activists accused of little more than trespassing.
More than 1,000 teams have registered for the contest so far.
"Fighting around these sites risks generating extreme toxic pollution."