A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
We pee out 90 percent of sucralose, and then it just hangs out in wastewater. NOT GOOD.
Supposedly you can assemble this 52-piece bike in 45 minutes. We've heard THAT before (IKEA!).
Methane, the most potent greenhouse gas, is being released from sub-sea permafrost much more rapidly than previously estimated, according to new research.
Since putting some emissions reduction pledges (don’t call them commitments!) down on paper after the climate conference in Copenhagen, countries...
It's hard not to feel a little bit of wonder watching this video of America's most dazzling places.
“In the speech, you referenced that in the past year you had put forward an ‘all of the above’ energy...
A recount has revealed that a fracking moratorium narrowly succeeded in Broomfield, Colo., giving fracking foes a clean sweep of recent ballot measures in the state.
Coal production is gradually leaving Appalachia -- having already extracted much of the region's natural wealth.
The governor was twisting arms to get a natural-gas pipeline built through the New Jersey Pinelands, but after the bridge scandal broke, that effort may have backfired.