Climate Science
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Climate change already killing baby polar bears
Climate change isn't just killing polar bears, it's killing baby polar bears. YOU MONSTER.
A study that tracked polar bears swimming long distances found cubs that swam more than 30 miles at a time were more likely to die than cubs that didn't. Baby polars have a hard time making those swims because: -
Critical List: Melting Arctic ice pollutes; wind farm could kill bald eagles
Melting Arctic ice is releasing banned chemicals like DDT, which were trapped there back when they were legal.
Post-tornado clean-up in Joplin, Mo. is going slowly.
Can water heaters store energy captured by wind turbines and solar panels? A startup called GridMobility thinks so. -
Packing heat: Why violence boils over on a warming planet
Christian Parenti's new book, The Tropic of Chaos, traces the links between politics, economics, and climate change.
Climate scientist: It's only going to get hotter
It's tricky to talk about the link between heat waves like the one half of America is suffering under and climate change. But climate scientist Peter Gleick does a good job. He writes:
Talking about the weather, post chitchat
The weather isn't a boring topic of conversation, and talking about the link between extreme weather and climate change takes on new significance.
Watch a whale jump for joy after being freed from a net
It's worth watching a guy scramble around in a Speedo to see this boatload of conservationists save a humpback whale caught in a net. If you don't want to sit […]
NYC Mayor Bloomberg gives $50 million to fight coal
Michael Bloomberg has always wielded his power as mayor of New York to fight climate change, but now he's putting his personal fortune where his mouth is.
Limbaugh: Heat index is a liberal government conspiracy
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.1011854&w=425&h=350&fv=] Heat wave? What heat wave? That’s just the government TELLING you it’s hot outside, for its own nefarious reasons. You know the (evocative but false) parable about the […]
Monkeys go on looting spree in Rio
This video is in Portuguese, so just mute it and cue up a bit of old Ludwig Van as you watch sneaky monkey thugs infiltrate a Brazilian home. With humans perpetually up in their business, monkeys in Rio de Janeiro are fighting back by turning to a life of crime.
The only weather map you'll need this summer
Linda Sharps (@Sundry) has preempted your need to check for at least the next week or so.