Climate Science
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Why isn't the climate left stronger?
Chris Mooney has an amusing reply to my piece on conservative white males (CWM) and the politics of climate. He notes that liberal psychology tends to be the inverse of CWM psychology, in ways that pose considerable political challenges.
Chris Christie says ‘climate change is real’ while vetoing climate action
The New Jersey governor believes that human-made climate change exists, but is blocking his state's participation in a regional climate program.
Huntsman slams Perry on climate, Bachmann on gas prices
Jon Huntsman believes in climate change and isn't afraid to say so -- or to call out his rivals on how their anti-science stance is hurting the Republican Party.
'I'm scared out of my mind' — but still getting arrested to stop the tar-sands pipeline [VIDEO]
More than 100 activists have been arrested so far for protesting against the proposed Keystone XL pipeline in front of the White House. Watch on video.
Climate change makes alien invasion more likely
Update: Depressingly, this wasn't funded by NASA at all, although one of the authors is from NASA's planetary science division (he worked on it in his free time). It's still a good read though. (Thanks, Kate Sheppard!)
Here's good news for people who have been trying to draft the tinfoil-hat crew into the fight against climate change: A genuinely not-at-all-made-up-by-me
NASAnot NASA study posits that global warming could alert extraterrestrial civilizations that humanity is getting too big for its britches, and prompt them to attack us. -
Tar-sands protesters in jail longer than expected
Despite assurances from the police that tar-sands-pipeline protestors would get just a few hours in jail, they're now being locked up for 48 hours or more.
Buddhist wisdom for the green soul [VIDEO]
Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh talks with Canadian enviro David Suzuki on why maintaining inner peace is vital to fighting the world's climate woes.
Whales hanging out in New York
First dolphins, now whales — sea mammals in New York City are bigger than Cats! Urban nature blogger Matthew Wills caught a humpback whale frolicking off Sandy Hook, N.J., within […]
Critical List: New York AG going after natural gas companies; species move one mile north each year
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman subpoenaed three energy companies as part of an investigation into natural gas production estimates.
If rats could abandon Ship Earth, they would right about now. Instead, species in the Northern Hemisphere are moving north at about a mile per year — three times faster than anyone imagined.
Kick your caffeine habit now: climate change could make 60 percent of the places that now grow coffee inhospitable to the crop by 2050. -
The first rule of talking about extreme weather
Bringing up the connection between weather and climate change takes a problem of astronomical proportions and makes it far more concrete.