Climate Science
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Is climate change hitting the world’s coral reef epicenter?
Joanne Wilson surveying coral reefs in Raja Ampat Cross-posted from Cool Green Science. You’ve probably heard about coral bleaching — the mass die-off of coral reefs because of warming sea temperatures, […]
Occupy COP 17: Portraits from the movement
The Occupy movement grips people from all over the world. At COP 17 in Durban, South Africa, it appeared in the form of general assemblies held outside the sanctioned conference […]
As Durban deadline draws near, big carbon emitters should cut a deal
It's not clear when we'll get another chance to put all the world's major carbon emitters on the road to a common effort.
Top eight climate disasters during the Durban climate talks
Cross-posted from ThinkProgress Green. During the two weeks of the international climate negotiations in Durban, South Africa, millions of people have been affected by extreme weather disasters. Our poisoned climate […]
It’s panda-countin’ time!
Get out your panda-counting equipment, because it's panda census time! China's government is organizing the first panda census in a decade, sending out teams of wildlife biologists over hill and […]
Possibly the greatest use of an infographic ever
“Need to prove something you already believe? Statistics are easy: All you need are two graphs and a leading question,” reads possibly the greatest infographic ever, created by Vali Chandrasekaran […]
Critical List: EPA releases draft fracking report; Gingrich’s new climate change book
The EPA released a draft of its fracking report and found chemical contamination in a gas field well. The draft summary says that "EPA is concerned about the movement of […]
The brutal logic of climate change mitigation
In my last post, I discussed a new peer-reviewed paper by climate scientists Kevin Anderson and Alice Bows. It paints a grim picture: The commonly accepted threshold of climate “safety,” […]
Durban dispatch: U.S. takes ‘recourse to nonsense’
It’s just a guidepost, guys. No need to panic.Photo: US Mission GenevaCross-posted from ThinkProgress Green. China limits commitments This week, China’s top climate envoy said that the nation would be […]
Bear bile farming is just as bad as it sounds
Animal welfare foundation Animals Asia has just rescued 14 moon bears, which had been farmed and abused for a substance produced in their gall bladders. Gah. People are willing to […]