Climate Science
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Climate change messing with giant ice buildings
A century ago, winters in Bavaria were so brutal that one Christmas, villagers in Mitterfirmiansreut were unable to hike to the nearest church, and they were forced to build one […]
Critical List: Fracking ‘almost certainly’ caused earthquakes; wolves save trees
The disposal of fracking wastewater "almost certainly" was the cause of all those earthquakes near Youngstown, Ohio.
Oil is washing up on the shores of Nigeria; Shell denies it's from the massive oil spill that occurred last month.
BP wants Halliburton to cover the $20 billion it paid to clean up and otherwise deal with the Deepwater Horizon spill.
Wolves save trees. (Related: Deer are sort of like giant squirrels.) -
‘Like being on steroids’: PBS links extreme weather to climate
Mainstream news outlets spend a lot of time covering weather-related disasters, but not much time on climate change. PBS bucks the trend.
Critical List: Judge nixes California’s low-carbon fuel standard; mystery foam attacks England
A federal judge put the kibosh on California's low-carbon fuel standard, which favors fuels that create fewer emissions to make and which, according to the judge, discriminates against out-of-state fuel […]
Top 10 states ravaged by extreme weather in 2011
Memphis flood. Photo: Chris WielandBy many measures, 2011 was the most extreme weather year for the United States since reliable record-keeping began in the 19th century — and the costs […]
2011 sets all-time record for tornadoes: 199 in one day
Extreme weather is like debt, obesity, and prescriptions for anti-depressants: Every year, there's more of it. 2011 was no exception, and scientists have just added another distinction to its record-breaking […]
Foot-long shrimp take over Gulf of Mexico
The Asian tiger prawn, a gigantic shrimp that can grow to more than a foot long, is invading the Gulf of Mexico. This year the species was found for the […]
Tiny spiders are tiny, but relative to their body size it turns out their brains are ginormous. In some cases, 80 percent of a spider's body cavity contains central nervous […]
Critical List: Oil spill off Nigerian coast contained; demand for solar could flatline
Shell managed to contain the large oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean before it reached the Nigerian coast. In America, thousands of times each year, sewer systems overflow and contaminate […]
Politics blocks scientists from explaining why this year’s weather was record bad
A typical year in the U.S. includes three to four extreme weather events that do more than $1 billion in damage, but 2011 featured 12 of them. Add in the […]