Climate Science
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Thanks to climate change, maple syrup faces a sticky future [VIDEO]
This farmer and amateur scientist has taken on the plight of the sugar maple, a valuable species that is changing rapidly and in danger of disappearance within the next century.
Not all Republicans are climate deniers [VIDEO]
In the run-up to the New Hampshire primary, former Rep. Bob Inglis, climate scientist Kerry Emanuel, and other Republicans talk about why climate action is a conservative value.
Zombie bees!
We've been concerned for a while about colony collapse disorder, which has been decimating honeybee populations. The disorder is of uncertain origin, though there's some evidence linking it to pesticides; there's also evidence for viruses, fungi, and mites, or maybe it's all of them. And now scientists are investigating the possibility that it's caused by parasitic flies turning bees into zombies.
Climate change bumps prices at Starbucks
Crap weather means that the wholesale price of arabica beans is at a 14-year high of $3.09 per pound, and coffee distributors are blaming climate change, reports the nifty new […]
Wildfires too hot? Jump in the Senate office pool
Each year, congressional staffers participate in a macabre annual office pool in which they try to predict how many acres of U.S. land will burn in wildfires. And thanks to climate change, it starts earlier every year.
Critical List: Ghost octopi in the Antarctic; without ethanol subsidies, gas prices rise
The creatures discovered living in thermal vents near Antarctica -- ghost octopi, limpets, yeti crabs -- are le awesome.
Two major solar industry groups are merging in order to focus on state-level policies.
With ethanol subsidies gone, gas will cost more. -
Santorum vs. Romney: The climate is screwed either way
Rick Santorum is less green than Mitt Romney, and nuttier on global warming. But both would promote dirty energy and neglect climate action.
20 inches to disaster: U.S. coasts unprepared for higher seas
The lead author of a study on sea-level rise talks about its consequences for coastal towns. Even under conservative estimates, they're not pretty.
Climate change got even less media coverage than last year
Wait a minute, aren't liberals supposed to control the media? Well they're not doing their jobs, then, because climate change has been sliding slowly off the radar at major newspapers and magazines. That graph above shows coverage on a steady down slope since 2007, with a bump in 2009 because it's hard to slaver about "Climategate" without mentioning climate change.
Shark sex increasingly kinky, thanks to warming waters
If you thought interspecies boot-knocking was the sole purview of a handful of Bronies, check out what Australia's sharks are up to. Climate change and shifting water temperatures are causing […]