Climate Science
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Raccoon invasion! Masked bandits are taking over our cities
These furry beasts are sooooo cute -- until they break into the house, tear up the garden, or turn up dead in the silverware drawer. Some say city life is making them smarter. The real problem: They’re an awful lot like us.
Activists get Amazon to stop selling whale meat
Weird things available on in the U.S. include wolf urine, fresh rabbit, canned unicorn, deer butt, and (fake) horse heads. But until yesterday, the company’s Japanese subsidiary was selling something […]
The doughnut of justice: A new way to think about growth
Here's a new framework for thinking about how we can improve humanity's quality of life without exceeding ecological boundaries. Happily, it’s shaped like a doughnut.
Prove climate change doesn’t exist, get an awesome gun
Todd Tanner will give you his gun when you pry it from his cold, convinced-of-the-nonexistence-of-climate-change hands. Tanner, the chair of the new group Conservation Hawks — sportsmen (i.e. hunters) who […]
Beach bummer: Time to kiss your coastal real estate goodbye
Climate change is rearing its head around the Chesapeake Bay, where sea level is projected to rise 3 feet by century’s end, and more severe storm surges are a certainty. Longtime environmental writer Tom Horton says it’s time to put the kibosh on coastal development, and beat an “orderly retreat” inland.
The inside story of climate scientists under siege
"Hockey stick" scientist Michael Mann, climate deniers' favorite punching bag, reveals in a new book what it's like in the trenches of the war on climate science.
Help come up with presidential debate questions that don’t suck
In the 20 Republican presidential debates so far, 839 questions were asked -- and more of them focused on the moon than on the earth. What green questions should we be asking the candidates?
Why climate change is like a grizzly bear
Conservation Hawks founder Todd Tanner compares climate change to a charging grizzly bear and says he will give up his prized gun if anyone can prove it's not real.
Climate change threatens traditional [bird] marriage
Here’s a reason for Republicans to finally care about climate change: It threatens straight monogamous bird marriage. According to a new study, unpredictable climates cause birds to Gingrich it up, […]
Stand by for baby eagles on webcam!
[vodpod id=Video.16100351&w=425&h=350&fv=] Hey, remember the Decorah Eagle Cam? If you don’t, you probably never saw a baby eagle hatch on live streaming video, you poor fool. But now you have […]