Oh, you’re one of those cool sustainability-minded hippies, huh? You live in Portland or Brooklyn or someplace committed to dense living and local food? You compost and knit and check up on your chicken’s psychological profile before you eat it? You’re a member of the food coop and the community garden, and you kit out your bike like a Victorian gentleman? Well, sorry, you just got out-retro-cooled by this electric velocipede.



1865 Electric Velocipede is a concept vehicle by German design studio DING3000, and the ONLY thing that’s keeping it from just straight-up embarrassing you and your pretensions to green hipsterdom is the fact that it doesn’t exist outside of a single prototype. (Which adds to the cool  by sounding like something straight out of science fiction; it has “all-plastic pedals made of Ultrason” and “punctureproof tires made of Infinergy.” Sure, those sound like things.)