OK, maybe we’re a little bit obsessed with the work that Banksy is doing. But it’s great! Here’s the latest installment: Over the weekend, the artist set up a stall by Central Park and sold original prints, which are worth, um, a pile of money, for the low, low price of $60. He didn’t advertise them as anything other than “spray art,” though, and well, you can see what happened next:

[youtube http://youtu.be/zX54DIpacNE]

This is fun to watch, because it lets you in on the joke. But let’s be real: The joke is on all of us. We value things we’re told to value, and we pass over things, like street art, that we’re told to pass over. And however clever New Yorkers might think they are, hey, it was a guy from Chicago who ended up with the biggest haul.