Global investment in climate action is on the rise. This sea change calls for solutions that rapidly and equitably reduce emissions, create jobs, and protect public health. The same emissions that change our climate are changing us. But how do we curb future emissions without knowing where we are today? 

Last week, Fix kicked off our inaugural “How We’re Fixin’ It” conversation series with an expert panel moderated by Davida Herzl, CEO of Aclima, a B Corp built to fill critical gaps in environmental intelligence. Herzl, who was honored as a “Fixer” on the 2017 Grist 50 list of emerging climate leaders, was joined by  Ms. Margaret Gordon, cofounder and co-director of the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project, and Jack Broadbent, the executive officer of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District

Together, the panel discussed how the modernization of air pollution measurement and analysis can support community-led solutions that diagnose hotspots, target interventions, prioritize resources, and track progress over time — at the neighborhood level — for global impact. Watch the full conversation above.