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Communities across the U.S. are taking community-driven climate action by updating their infrastructure to reduce emissions and make urban life safer, healthier, and greener for everyone. But equity advocates want to make sure that the process of “greening” America’s infrastructure prioritizes those who are most impacted by climate change and pollution. From updating electrical systems in dense residential areas, to ensuring that communities of color are prepared for the boom in climate-related careers, advocates are working toward building cities in which everyone can thrive. 

Mother JonesGrist, and the Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School hosted a discussion about equity, infrastructure, jobs, and the urban energy transition. Featuring the “father of environmental justice,” Dr. Robert Bullard (Texas Southern University, Bullard Center for Environmental & Climate Justice), Jade Begay (Indigenous Rights Advocate and Climate Researcher) and Leah Thomas (Intersectional Environmentalist), we’ll dig into the issues, opportunities, and solutions driving an equitable transformation for America.

Presented by Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School, Grist, Mother Jones, American Farmland Trust, Patagonia, and Frey Vineyards.


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April 23, 2024
12:00 am

