Climate Energy
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The surprising reason why Newark Mayor Cory Booker supports wind power
Newark Mayor Cory Booker is handsome, approachable, and once saved a lady from a fire — he’s basically the Ryan Gosling of politics. And one of the reasons people like […]
Good news: Americans are using a lot less coal
Here is a bit of energy-use news to feel good about: Americans are using a lot less coal. In the first quarter of this year, the portion of the country’s […]
Yet another ridiculous billboard campaign featuring psychos
Apparently the political discourse in this country is irrational enough that one anti-green billboard campaign featuring megalomaniacs will not satisfy our craving for crazy. No, there have to be two […]
My Mother’s Day wish: Clean air for kids
Long-overdue standards for toxic mercury spewed from coal plants are under attack. Our kids are counting on us to defend them.
Congressional report says ‘drill, baby, drill’ won’t protect U.S. from oil price spikes
The Congressional Budget Office concludes that the only effective tool to shield Americans from price shocks is to (wait for it) use less oil.
Anti-wind activists want to create fake grassroots campaign against industry
A memo reveals how wind energy opponents came together last year to launch efforts to undermine support for the industry.
New interactive book could explain everything anyone needs to know about energy
The Kickstarter video for The WATT? An Energy 101 Primer does a good job of explaining why, exactly, people should care about energy: Energy is everything. It’s a part of […]
Can real-time pricing green the grid? [VIDEO]
To address climate change, don't forget the largest carbon-spewing machine on earth: the U.S. electric grid.
U.S. coal lobbies frantically to save its doomed-ass self
The U.S. coal industry is going down the crapper, and even Dale Earnhardt Jr. can't save it.
Coal dependent: Pacific Northwest activists fight new export terminals
Local organizers are building big coalitions to keep the region from becoming a massive transfer station for toxic coal exports.