Climate Energy
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Why we need a better definition of ‘renewable’ energy
"Renewable" is in the eye of the beholder. And that’s a big problem.
China is both the best and worst hope for clean energy
China is the world’s biggest polluter but a leader in renewable energy, making it the country to watch at this week's climate summit in Poland.
Trump wants to ramp up coal. Spain has found a way to quit it.
The country is investing $285 million to help the miners left behind — though they are skeptical about the changing economy.
Video games consume more electricity than 25 power plants can produce
Researchers set up a special lab to measure gaming’s massive carbon footprint.
Trump administration’s climate report raises new questions about nuclear energy’s future
The thirstiest source of electricity is already struggling, and greater risk of droughts will only add to those woes.
Closing nuclear plants risks rise in greenhouse gas emissions, report warns
Environmentalists are divided over nuclear energy, the single largest source of low-carbon electricity.
Trump halted a study of coal’s health effects in Appalachia
This is bad news for people living near mountaintop coal removal sites.
Supervolcanoes: The secret to a battery-powered future?
Researchers found lithium deposits in a Yellowstone supervolcano.
Inside the camp that’s fighting to stop the Dakota Access pipeline
In North Dakota, one tribe’s fight has sparked a movement.
Snapshots from the Dakota Access Pipeline resistance
This week, we witnessed tribal and environmental activists gathering in North Dakota in resistance of the Dakota Access Pipeline.