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Majora Carter to launch national brand for local produce
The green-jobs activist behind the South Bronx Greenway now looks to create accessible jobs in food production.
Warren Buffet's crazy-like-a-fox plan to revive America's auto industry
Warren Buffett, legendary investor and one of the world's richest people, is about to leverage his part-ownership of China's largest battery manufacturer to deliver a shot in the arm to America's ailing auto industry.
Dudefest no more? Women are infiltrating cleantech
Men are running the show at most of the companies pushing renewables, efficiency, clean cars, and the smart grid -- but that's starting to change.
There are now more green jobs than brown ones, and they pay better
Green technology and clean power are now employing more people than the fossil fuels industries, says the Brookings Institution. A separate analysis of the same data indicates that the cleantech sector of those green jobs offer median wages that are 20 percent better than regular jobs. And the rate of job creation in this sector was twice that of the regular economy from 2003-2010. All this despite the notoriously inconsistent support for green jobs in the U.S.!
Critical List: It’s hot; 2.7 million Americans work in clean energy
It's hot. It's hot. It's hooooottttt.
You want green jobs? Here are your green jobs: 2.7 million Americans are employed in the clean energy economy, according to a new report from the Brookings Institution.
But that could all end with a drop-off in government subsidies across the world. -
Green jobs growing even as economy wilts
Job postings in sustainability have quadrupled in two years.
While the economy suffers, we're shipping millions of green jobs overseas
The latest numbers from the Labor Department are out, and the jobs picture is ugly-- the private sector is stagnant, and government is laying off workers in droves. Good thing we've got our Yankee ingenuity and forward-thinking leaders to help us dig out of this hole! Except, oh wait, it appears we're busy exporting jobs in the only industries that are expected to experience significant growth in the 21st century.
In defense of 'green jobs'
The phrase "green jobs" has been taken too literally by both advocates and detractors, leading to a bean-counting skirmishes that cast more heat than light.
Finding a role for everyone in the sustainability revolution
Focus the Nation is trying to help young people find their place in the clean energy revolution, be it innovators, technician, storytellers, or politico.
Green jobs are real: U.S. solar employs more people than steel
People want to know: Are green jobs real? The answer is resoundingly "yes." With roughly 93,500 direct and indirect jobs, the American solar industry now employs about 20,000 more workers than the U.S. steel production sector.