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Fuel's Progress
What an upset! Oil-burning New Englanders watch their heating bills double. Truck drivers protest higher diesel costs by jamming Washington, D.C., streets with their rigs. Congress, in its wisdom, offers […]
Catalogs of Ills
In what appears to be an uncoordinated campaign, three friends have brought me three different mail-order catalogs, asking me to condemn them publicly. At first I resisted, because I prefer […]
Average Joes and Janes Can Make a Real Difference — No Foolin'
In the personal realm, most Americans are thoughtful, caring, generous. We try to do our best by family and friends. At times we'll even stop to help another driver stranded with a roadside breakdown, or to give some spare change to a stranger. But increasingly, a wall now separates each of us from the world outside, and from others who've likewise taken refuge in their own private sanctuaries. We've all but forgotten how much public participation is the very soul of democratic citizenship, and how much it can enrich our lives.
Food for Thought
The strangest news items about organic food have been popping up. It isn’t good for you after all. It’s full of bacteria and insect parts. You folks who pay a […]