Climate Culture
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Umbra on corpses
Dear Umbra, What’s the greenest method of disposing of one’s corpse? I’m just dying to know. BuchachaAustin, Texas Dearest Buchacha, You are not the only one thinking of the Great […]
Umbra on candles
Dear Umbra, Recently, nature-conscious religions such as Paganism and Wicca are getting a lot of attention. This is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, such religions inspire love for […]
Students compete to build the house of the future
At midnight one late-September evening, a convoy of 18-wheeler flatbed trucks carting 14 houses (some whole, some in parts) and thousands of square feet of solar panels rolled past the […]
Empire State Green Building
A landmark sustainable building project in lower Manhattan is back on track after being delayed due to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Construction resumed recently on 20 River Terrace, […]
Umbra on water conservation
Dearest Umbra, How can I convince friends to conserve water? I write a column for my church newsletter to encourage responsible environmental practices by church members. One member said recently […]
Advice on converting to biodiesel
Umbra, I own a diesel VW Golf, which I bought thinking it was a better choice for the environment than a gasoline engine. Therefore, I was disappointed to read your […]
Plugging developing nations into renewable energy
The groaning has largely subsided over last month’s World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, but one of the biggest disappointments of the event still deserves scrutiny: the […]
Threatened sea turtles find allies in Baja
To be an endangered sea turtle near Punta Abreojos on Mexico’s Baja Peninsula is to be a lucky animal. In this remote fishing village, the local fishing cooperative cracks down […]
You Can Judge a Food By Its Label
In a big step for the organic food industry, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is poised to roll out an official “USDA Organic” seal and launch a long-awaited national standard […]