Climate Climate & Energy
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Unbridled LUST
Leaking underground storage tanks (LUST) of gasoline have contaminated at least 25,000 sites around Florida, giving rise to concerns that the state’s drinking water supplies could be tainted, according to […]
Sick ’em
Global climate change isn’t just going to make our planet hotter — it’s going to make it sicker. That was the finding of a wide-ranging study of world ecosystems, published […]
Natural Born Watt Killers
Are you one of those people who obsessively turns off lights and other electric appliances when leaving the room? If so, it might be time to look for a job […]
Citizens battle to keep Delta County from becoming the coal bed methane capital of Colorado
It started out as a simple item on a regional planning commission agenda in remote Delta County, Colo. A recently reworked natural gas well in Delta County. Photo: Jeremy Puckett, […]
Climate change is, like, inevitable, dude
Note: You’ll need Flash Player to watch the movie. If you don’t have it, download it now.
The Little Solar Station That Could
The Columbia Generating Station, a nuclear power plant at Washington state’s Hanford nuclear reservation, sits just one mile from the White Bluffs Solar Station. For the past three weeks, Energy […]
Inuit Intuition
There is no word in the Inuit language for a robin, but suddenly, there are robins in Inuit territory — the vast, frozen lands of the Arctic. Mostly frozen, that […]
Snoop Dog
Almost everyone’s been embarrassed at one time or another by an over-eager dog sniffing in the wrong places. Now car owners have to worry about the “smog dog,” designed to […]
Fatwa Alberta
Canada’s already-tense internal battle over whether to ratify the Kyoto Treaty on climate change heated up further yesterday, when the province of Alberta withdrew from negotiations after its alternative emissions-cutting […]
New Sue Review
Oral arguments were heard yesterday in the U.S. EPA’s lawsuit against the Tennessee Valley Authority, the nation’s largest public power provider. Lawyers for the EPA argued that the TVA violated […]