Climate Climate & Energy
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Fueltide Greetings
The Bush administration is weighing a proposal that would require auto manufacturers to improve the fuel efficiency of SUVs and light trucks by a teensy bit. Working off data submitted […]
A Big Pay Off?
Led by climate change skeptic ExxonMobil, a collection of oil, gas, and other energy companies has pledged at least $175 million over 10 years to Stanford University to create a […]
Dam Straight!
In what environmentalists hope is the beginning of a major trend, 60 dams across the U.S. are slated for demolition this year and hundreds more are targeted for removal. Last […]
Spain and Suffering
An oil tanker carrying twice as much oil as was lost by the Exxon Valdez in 1989 split in two today and sank in the Atlantic Ocean, threatening to cause […]
Sound Off
Some 92,000 acres of mud and sand at the bottom of the Pacific Northwest’s Puget Sound is contaminated with dioxin, toxic metals, and PCBs (just for starters), all the result […]
Prairie Dogged
Faced with drought and plunging profits, Colorado farmers are under growing financial pressure to hawk their land to developers. Between 1993 and 2001, about 1.5 million acres of farmland in […]
The Rain in Spain Caused an Awful Lot of Pain
Thousands of tons of oil have begun to wash up on seaports and the beaches of Galicia, Spain, after the hull of a rusty oil tanker at sea cracked last […]
Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire
Horrendous wildfires in Indonesia five years ago accounted for a whopping 13 to 40 percent of the world’s total carbon emissions that year, according to new research published by European […]
Apollo 18
To meet energy demands without escalating the problem of global warming, humankind must embark on a research effort as grand in scale as the Apollo project to put a man […]