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Japanese dress down to save 81 million gallons of oil in summer
What do you do if your country needs to meet targets under the Kyoto global warming protocol? You dress down.
Yup, the Japanese government is encouraging public workers to wear less in order to use less oil. Since many in Japan don dark suits in summer, they crank up the AC to maintain an average temperature of 77 degrees. Someone figured out that Japan could save 81 million gallons of oil in one summer by setting the temperature at 82. To make the warmer workplace more bearable, employees now have the okay to wear short sleeves and go sans tie.
However, one possible unintended consequence of this move is that shirt sales are up. I'm guessing that they are not organic.
Everything New Is Old Again
Wisconsin power-plant expansion could have long-term eco-consequences The fate of a Wisconsin coal-fired power plant could augur poorly for the environment, say its opponents. At issue is what does and […]
Salmon and Denial-Ah
Federal judge calls Bush admin’s salmon plan fishy In a strongly worded opinion, U.S. District Judge James Redden yesterday ruled that the Bush administration’s salmon-protection plan for the Columbia and […]
Tar Wars
Canadian tar sands becoming top oil source, despite environmental harm With conventional oil reserves declining around the world, all eyes are turning to Canada, where tar sands in the north […]
Pick a Little, Talk a Little
Few new ideas emerge from latest U.N. climate meetings What comes after Kyoto? That was the focus of a 190-nation, two-day seminar convened by the U.N. this week in Bonn, […]
Everyone Knows It’s Windy
Argentine town may be model for producing hydrogen from wind The people of Pico Truncado in southern Argentina know the power of the wind that whips through their open land; […]
Power Ploy
California flirts with high-tech electricity meters, new pricing scheme California, ever the leader in innovative greenish programs, is planning yet another experiment, this time involving electricity use and pricing. With […]
They’re Just Not That Into You
Low Northwest salmon run confounds fishers, closes fisheries Conservationists, salmon enthusiasts, and fisheries managers along the Columbia River in the Pacific Northwest are wondering, Is it something we said? They’ve […]
Fiddler on the Hot Tin Roof
Climate scientists grow more concerned as Rome burns, Nero fiddles In most fields of science, lay opinion tends to be more alarmist than scientific opinion, says Carbon Mitigation Initiative codirector […]
Activists fight new round of proposed LNG terminals
While President Bush extols the virtues of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in speeches, energy companies have been at work, planning some 50 new LNG import terminals across North America, most […]