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Soil Ain’t Green
British soil is losing carbon — and may be contributing to global warming Dirt may be one of the world’s biggest greenhouse-gas emitters — and that could throw a very […]
Romancing the Stove
States sue DOE, press for energy-saving standards for appliances New York City and 15 states have filed suit against the U.S. Department of Energy, saying the agency has failed to […]
Umbra on why we shouldn’t waste energy
Dear Umbra, I am doing a big geography project at school on saving energy and recycling. My part is to comment on what will happen if we keep wasting energy. […]
Hurricane Katrina brings a foretaste of environmental disasters to come
If the images of skyscrapers collapsed in heaps of ash were the end of one story — the U.S. safe on its isolated continent from the turmoil of the world […]
A hurricane expert explains the climate-change connection
As the world watched New Orleans’ devastating descent into squalor last week, questions about connections between global warming and hurricanes reemerged. A few politicians and activists leapt to offer their […]
Lesley Marcus Carlson, cofounder of Carbonfund, answers questions
Lesley Marcus Carlson. With what environmental organization are you affiliated? I am the president of What does your organization do? Very simply, we make it easy and affordable for […]
How are journalists covering climate change in Katrina’s wake?
As the 140-mile-per-hour winds of Hurricane Katrina raged through the lush lowlands of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama on Monday, as people clung to their roofs, as levees crumbled, as fires […]
Coming at It From a New Anglo
U.K. Christian groups ally with eco-advocates to lobby on climate change Several Christian organizations in the U.K. have joined forces with environmental groups in a new alliance to “Stop Climate […]
Umbra on offsetting emissions from flatulence
Dear Umbra, I was wondering if there is any information about the average CO2 emissions from human flatulence. My friend (and I really do mean my friend, I’m not just […]
Freedom to Pollute Is on the March
New air rules could allow coal-fired plants to pollute more The Bush administration may finally eviscerate the legal basis for many pesky air-pollution lawsuits against coal-fired power plants. A new […]