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The Blown Star State
Texas planning massive wind-energy project off Galveston coast Texas has proposed what could become the nation’s first offshore wind farm, about seven miles off the coast of Galveston Island in […]
Ol’ Dirty Bastards
Oil companies made record profits, and all we got was this moral outrage Pity the poor oil firms: The five largest are expected to reap a record $28 billion in […]
An eye on this year’s record-setting hurricane season
1 — rank of Hurricane Wilma in Atlantic storm intensity on record1 12 — Atlantic hurricanes so far this season, tying a record set in 19692 21 — named storms […]
Covert Ploperations
CIA investing in “plug and play” clean power generator Warning: this blurb will self-destruct in five seconds. It seems clean energy has a spooky new backer. The CIA is investing, […]
Sweet and Blowdown
Wind-energy customers pay less than those buying fossil-fuel power Customers of Xcel Energy in Colorado who purchase wind power got a pleasant announcement last week: Not only would they not […]
Noah Man’s Land
Major new study says severe weather is likely on the way Winter as we know it in the northeast U.S. will vanish. Summers across the country will be hotter, particularly […]
Lost power source
Fans of the hit TV show Lost might have been wondering how the hatch/bunker gets its power. Last night we found out: geothermal energy.
Another example of a green energy source being mentioned during prime time television -- granted, it was for about five seconds, but we'll take what we can get!
And visitors to the Lost message boards can get a brief science lesson on how geothermal energy works from poster SlowElectron.
Helter Swelter
2005 shaping up to be the warmest year on record Is it warm in here? Readings from about 7,200 weather stations worldwide indicate that 2005 will probably be the hottest […]
Jacques Leslie’s Deep Water sheds light on dam dramas
What does hell look like to an environmentalist? In the classic Encounters With the Archdruid, writer John McPhee imagines this particular inferno. The outer ring, he writes, is a moat […]
Tar Nation
Canada’s oil sands boom for business, bust for environment We have seen our energy future, and it’s very, very dirty. By some estimates, the oil sands of northern Alberta, Canada, […]