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How Not to Prove Your Innocence
BP under criminal investigation for oil pipeline problems in Alaska When your massively profitable oil company is under criminal investigation by the U.S. government for possible violations of the Clean […]
We’ve Got Poll, and We’re Super Bad
Polls find Americans worried about energy and climate problems To paraphrase Benjamin Disraeli, there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and poll results. So take the following factoids […]
Coal Decliner
Idaho legislature passes two-year moratorium on coal-fired power plants In a two-for-one snub of President Bush and Idaho Gov. (and likely future Interior Secretary) Dirk Kempthorne (R), Idaho’s Republican-controlled legislature […]
Cap in Hand
California bill would mandate serious greenhouse-gas emissions caps California will jump (farther) into the lead on state-level action to combat global warming if a soon-to-be-introduced bill requiring stiff emissions caps […]
Umbra on plants and global warming
Dear Umbra, My simple understanding of global warming is that we are introducing long-buried carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This is shifting the balance, leading to a host of undesirable […]
Rebranding “global warming”
As reported in the most recent Daily Grist, a New York-based marketing firm announced that it will help with the rebranding of global warming. As we're all armchair marketers from time-to-time, how would you rebrand "global warming"?
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Oiling for a Flight
The top 10 best places to live during an oil crisis Pack yer bags, kids — there’s an oil crisis coming and we’re moving to the Big Apple! Eco-website SustainLane […]
The Biggest Loser
Feds to lose at least $20 billion in oil-company royalties, report finds Remember that outrageous story about how oil companies are going to gank U.S. taxpayers out of some $7 […]
Labor Rattling
Britain will likely miss target for slashing greenhouse-gas emissions For years, Tony Blair and his Labor Party have waved the climate-change flag, proclaiming danger and pledging to reduce Britain’s greenhouse-gas […]
Oil in the Grand Canyon
A Russian company called Dosko pushing to drill for oil in the Grand Canyon? Find out the details.