Climate Climate & Energy
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He wanted to get his home off fossil fuels. There was just one problem.
Want to electrify your home? Good luck finding a contractor.
After championing greener building codes, local governments lose right to vote
The construction and gas industries now have more control over the nation's building codes.
Oil’s biggest lobbying group killed carbon prices. Now it supports them?
Why the American Petroleum Institute is doing a 180 on carbon pricing
In GM’s new Super Bowl ad, Will Ferrell loves EVs — and hates Norway
The star-studded ad shows GM's wild turnaround on electric vehicles.
How steel might finally kick its coal habit
Several companies are working to make the process of forging the building material cleaner
The First 100 – Biden’s Sky-High Stack of Executive Orders
A dispatch from day 10 of the Biden administration.
Could the world reverse climate change but still burn all the fossil fuels? Scientists humor the idea.
It would be a wildly inefficient way of tackling climate change.
Can we really end our reliance on natural gas? These moms have a plan — and the ear of utilities.
Massachusetts nonprofit HEET wants to turn leaky infrastructure into district-wide geothermal heat-pump systems that it hopes will create a “post-gas world.”
Today’s wind turbine blades could become tomorrow’s bridges
As wind turbines reach the end of their life, engineers are turning the blades into electrical transmission towers, bridges, cement, and more.
Can a city truly be 100% renewable? It’s complicated.
Hundreds of cities have pledged to switch to renewables -- but there's a lot standing in their way.