Climate Climate & Energy
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1 in 3 Americans breathe unhealthy air, new report says
The American Lung Association finds that U.S. air quality is improving, but wildfires, drought, and inequality threaten progress.
The first natural-gas ban in the US just got shot down
A federal court overturned Berkeley's precedent-setting measure for new buildings, putting in jeopardy scores of similar rules.
Inside climate activists’ uneasy relationship with ‘net-zero’
How the logic of carbon neutrality got “lit on fire” by big polluters.
The future of US forests — a major carbon sink — is ‘highly uncertain’
A new study highlights the risks of using forest-based carbon offsets to cancel out greenhouse gas emissions.
Warming temperatures trigger earliest spring on record in parts of eastern US
Unseasonably early blooms can wreak havoc on allergies, disease vectors, and agriculture.
From peak to plummet in 15 years: Coal continues its precipitous decline
"This is not an economic cycle that is simply going to go away. It is a real phaseout across the industry of the use of coal."
Melting Antarctic ice may strangle vital ocean currents
Models show that currents could slow by more than 40 percent within 30 years, with potentially devastating effects on the ocean's ability to store carbon.
Biden administration releases road map to scale up nuclear, hydrogen, and energy storage
The reports address key challenges and potential solutions for getting these clean energy technologies off the ground.
The tiny island nation of Vanuatu just scored a big climate win
It convinced the UN to urge the world's highest court to rule on whether polluting nations must address climate change
It’s not just oceans that are rising. Groundwater is, too.
As subterranean water inches higher, so do threats to air and water.