Climate Transportation
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Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts are a hot, famous, rich advertisement for biking
Stars: They’re just like us! They bike around town with their kids in a trailer! They get annoyed at taxis! They really should be wearing helmets! New York Magazine has […]
Watch a tricycle spank a bus in a low-speed race
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.1011888&w=425&h=350&fv=] It’s the Thunderdome of transportation: Comedian Mark Malkoff on a child’s tricycle, going up against the famously slow M42 bus. Two modes of transport enter, one mode of […]
Bike lanes to displace 9/11 monument, says NY Post
Of course, the libtards at the NY Times don't think this story is fit to print, so once again we must applaud the courage of the NY Post, which has […]
How public transport could make Milwaukee richer and less racist
Development policies in the Milwaukee metro area — formerly the fiefdom of transportation two-face Scott Walker, who was a Milwaukee county executive before he was the train-hatin’ governor of Wisconsin […]
Portable velocipede is the ultimate steampunk/hippy mashup bike
If you’re the type of green-minded soul who prefers handlebar mustaches to dreadlocks and watch fobs to Tom’s Shoes, you definitely need this swank pennyfarthing bike. More to the point, […]
Breaking: George Will takes the train, may have been collectivized
Its power is spreading.Photo: travisA few weeks back, as we wrote here, Newsweek columnist George Will wrote a screed against rail travel in which he made a startling suggestion about […]
Arnold Schwarzenegger and the mayor of London walk into a bike share …
That's not a joke setup, it's just Thursday. The Governator and the London mayor tooled around on two-wheelers today, looking awkward and getting hollered at by photogs, to promote Mayor […]
Bike-lane-hatin’ Rep. Anthony Weiner hates paying parking tickets, too
Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) hates bike lanes. He also, Roll Call discovered, hates parking legally — or paying the penalties when he gets ticketed for doing it illegally. Until very […]
Pedaling away from the health care crisis
This is the third column in a series focusing on the economics of bicycling. In the United States, we have the most expensive health care system in the world. We […]
Why Car Drivers with a Clue Support Bicycle Infrastructure
Photo courtesy of therozblog via Flickr Imagine what it would feel like to accidentally maim, cripple for life, or kill a bicyclist (daughter, wife, mom, son, husband, dad, teenager or […]