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Spandex wars: Chicago bike critic looks crappy in tights
Photo: Steven VanceThe two-wheeled revolution has arrived in the Windy City, thanks to its bike-loving mayor, Rahm Emanuel. (Finally, a way to describe the man without calling him a potty mouth!) […]
New York City’s new plan to improve street safety: Throw haiku at it
Janette Sadik-Khan, DOT commissioner of New York City seems to think the main challenge to street safety is not enough short poems. Thus, her new campaign: Making bikers and walkers […]
Interactive map shows hybrid and electric car sales in your area
See the map This interactive map from NPR, which shows hybrid and electric car sales figures across the U.S., is a handy way of calculating the hippie concentration of your […]
After-school EV club is so much cooler than yearbook
In Kansas City, Mo., high school students enrolled in the after-school program Minddrive are building an electric car. They meet three times every two weeks. They started with a decade-old […]
Wheely, wheely thankful
Photo: iamosIn last Sunday’s New York Times, columnist Mark Bittman compiled a list of people and things in the food movement he’s thankful for. The bicycle movement deserves its own […]
Sharing time: Tracking the ‘sharrow’ on city streets
A sharrow in Baltimore. Photo: Elly BlueVisiting Seattle last weekend, it was impossible not to notice that its streets are absolutely covered in sharrows. “It’s almost like they polluted the […]
The last rider: Learning to win on a 100k bike ride
David from Eugene passes a decaying farmouse on the Verboort Populaire.Photo: Elly Blue“I think the rain is really good for us as cyclists,” said my friend Maria Schur. We were […]
Watch a robot ride a bicycle
Man, it's not enough that robots take over all our jobs — now they have to steal our commute?
David Byrne, Janette Sadik-Khan on why New Yorkers fight over bike lanes
David Byrne.For a city widely seen as a haven for progressive thought, New York has put up surprisingly stiff resistance to helping cyclists get where they’re going in one piece. […]
Designers launch high-fashion bicycle labels
Do you wish you could bike more, but you can't bear the thought of going your whole commute without flashing high-end labels? Okay, probably not, but if you were we'd […]