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Suck it, Gingrich, you CAN put a gun rack on a Chevy Volt
At a campaign event in Georgia, Newt Gingrich told supporters that he would maaaaaagically lower gas prices because “you can’t put a gun rack on a Volt.” Shows what the […]
Here’s what a crowdsourced bicycle looks like
This combination bike and scooter is nominally the work of fancypants designer Philippe Starck, but that’s partly because “everyone in Bordeaux, France” doesn’t have as much label cachet. (More than […]
100-year-old sets cycling record
French centenarian Robert Marchand (that’s not him above, we just didn’t have permission to use the Reuters photo) has set a new cycling record: The furthest distance ridden in an […]
Kid-powered school bus
Leave it to the Dutch to figure out how to replace even school buses with a conglomerate of bicycles. The buscycle, used to transport kids to day care, turns elementary […]
This guy invented a manure-powered car … in 1971
According to this 1971 article from Mother Earth News, British chicken farmer Harold Bate invented a car that runs on animal droppings 40 years ago. Why the hell are we […]
Non-starter: Republican transportation bill is dead on arrival
Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, seemingly intent on driving the country into a ditch, have thrown together a “uniquely terrible” transportation bill. A growing chorus of critics says the legislation is far from roadworthy.
Glamour trip: Real snobs don’t ride the subway
When conjuring the image of liberal high society, Newt Gingrich often points to the subway. His compadres in Congress want to obliterate designated funding for mass transit. Here’s the real reason they hate trains.
Build a side-by-side bicycle for Valentine’s Day
Nothing says “I love you” like a bicycle that forces you and your partner to cooperate to the point of absurdity, so Instructables user Carlitos has posted specs for a […]
House transit bill so bad even Republicans don’t like it
The transportation bill currently making its way through the House of Representatives sure does suck. It strips funds from safe streets projects and public transit, and dumps that money on […]
In France, cyclists can run red lights legally
Sometimes France is so fricking enlightened it hurts. Lawmakers recently decided to allow “cyclists in some cities to disregard red lights at certain intersections,” Treehugger writes. Paris will be testing […]