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Smarter than a Smart car: A Smart e-bike
Quick, what’s smarter and cuter and more awesome than a Smart car? We’re going to go with a Smart bike, the tiny car’s even-tinier electric bike sibling. The bike’s won […]
Quite possibly the best bike-for-sale ad ever
A dude in San Luis Obispo is giving up on his hipster dreams, and therefore on his fixie. Result: one of the funnier bike-for-sale Craigslist ads we've seen.
U.N. tries to inspire world bike revolution, doesn’t
Perhaps you read about the U.N.'s event on Friday, dedicated to getting people to ride bikes? If so, you're in the minority. And there's a good reason why.
Check out this 100-year-old electric car
Electric cars are a modern new technology, so modern and unproven that many [Republicans] would say they couldn’t possibly be plausible. Except for how they’ve actually been around since the […]
Honda Fit, most efficient car EVER, gets 118 MPG equivalent
In England, when you want to say that a guy or a gal is h-o-t-t HOT, you say “He/she is FIT!” And that is what we want to say about […]
500 million reasons to rethink the parking lot
All the world is a parking lot -- or a heck of a lot of it is, anyway. But according to professor Eran Ben-Joseph, these places don’t have to be wastelands.
The best subway map tattoos
There are people who like public transportation, and then there are people who want to rub public transportation all over their body parts — or at least get it permanently […]
NYC learns to heart bicycles
Just over a year ago, New York's transportation commissioner was raked over the coals for her romance with bikes. Now, it seems the city has fallen for them too.
Stray dog follows bikes for 1,000 miles (and beats most of the cyclists)
This adorable terrier-looking pup was hanging around a group of cyclists when they took a break, so one of them gave her chicken. Well, you know what happens when you […]
Giant road lobsters attacking cyclists
We’re gonna need a bigger bike.