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The Traffic is Murder Out There
Traffic causes heart attacks Being stuck in traffic could substantially raise your chances of having a heart attack — and it’s not just the stress. The particulate pollution that hovers […]
So whatcha whatcha whatcha want?
In the U.S., as with many other places, the industrial era saw a massive exodus from rural areas into cities. The "information era" (or whatever buzzword you like) has seen a massive exodus from cities to suburbs and exurbs, with long commutes to work, sprawling colonies of large homes, strip malls, and cars, cars, cars. Now, the mere fact of such a large exodus would seem to indicate that Americans prefer such a lifestyle (despite the fact that it may be killing them.)
But according to a new survey conducted by Smart Growth America in conjunction with the National Association of Realtors, it is not so.
Air Force Une
New car powered by compressed air to hit France There are some nifty-sounding cars in the making these days. The latest — to be introduced in France, where production will […]
Cheese-Eating Efficiency Monkeys
France has made big strides in energy efficiency After the global oil crises of the 1970s, both the U.S. and France took steps to increase energy efficiency and reduce their […]
Take Two Tickets to the City and Call Me in the Morning
Suburban sprawl is bad for your health Not only is suburban sprawl bad for the environment — encouraging car use and overly large, energy-inefficient homes, paving paradise to put up […]
If I Were Dictator … Oh, Wait, I Am!
China establishes its first-ever fuel-efficiency standards for cars Attempting to combat its growing dependence on oil imports, China is set to establish fuel-efficiency standards for cars, SUVs, and vans for […]
When You Wish Upon a Car
Car-Free Day: A good idea, but not without its difficulties Yesterday was Car-Free Day. Couldn’t you tell? Some 1,500 municipalities, the vast majority in Europe, participated, but the idea hasn’t […]
Umbra on whether to leave the engine running
Dear Umbra, I have a question that has been nagging me for a while, and I would really like to have it answered once and for all. You see, I […]
The Wicked Switch
Automakers Rapped for Pollution From Mercury Switches With recent revelations that just about all freshwater fish in the U.S. are contaminated with mercury, concern over the heavy-metal pollutant has regulators […]
Sunflower Power
Scientists Create Hydrogen Fuel from Sunflower Oil British scientists have discovered a way to power cars with sunflower oil. While biodiesel cars that directly burn cooking oil are fairly common, […]