I’m a little afraid to admit this, but as a Brooklynite “of more recent vintage and fewer bitter memories” … I kind of like Barclays Center. Yes, the blue logo it sports is weird and ugly, but I listen to the kvetching and think one thing about the middle-aged white people doing most of it: Do you really think you are cooler and know more about Brooklyn than Jay-Z? Because even though he’s rich and lives in Manhattan now … I kind of think Jay-Z is cooler than you.

And that means the New York subway is also cool, because Jay-Z condescended to take the subway from Canal Street to Atlantic Ave for the last of a series of concerts at the arena. You probably thought the subway was cool already, but now you KNOW, because it has the Jay-Z seal of approval.

[youtube http://youtu.be/ci54F1jg3Pg]
That doesn’t even begin to make up for the amount of energy used at Barclays … or the 18 years during which the rapper has not taken the subway. But it’s hard to take the train when you’re famous, so we’ll give him a break.