It’s Friday, October 2, and New York City’s garbage trucks are going green.

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Have you ever been nestled in bed in the early hours of the morning, only to be jolted awake by the clanking and beeping of a massive, exhaust-spewing garbage truck? Me too, and it’s no fun. But what if that truck were quieter — and weren’t emitting those horrible fumes?

That’s the idea behind a new pilot project in New York City. The city’s Department of Sanitation is experimenting with a fully electric garbage truck, developed by Mack, which is currently cruising the streets of Brooklyn.

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Electric garbage trucks may seem like small potatoes in the fight against climate change, but they’re actually a pretty big deal. The average trash-collecting truck averages just three miles per gallon of diesel fuel. That means it gobbles up around $42,000 in fuel costs in just a single year! Garbage trucks also stop and start a lot, which makes them prime candidates for electrification: Each time a truck slows down, regenerative braking can charge the battery.

There’s only one truck in the New York City fleet so far, but the city can immediately order more if the trial goes well. And it’s not just about saving money: Electric trucks would also cut down on choking air pollution. “This is an environmental justice issue and a quality-of-life issue,” said Joshua Goodman, a Department of Sanitation spokesperson.

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Need-to-know basis

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Emily Pontecorvo