It’s Friday, April 5, and the Green New Deal is pushing climate change into the mainstream media.

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Major news broadcasters like ABC, CNN, and MSNBC normally suck at covering climate change. In 2018, the climate coverage on major broadcast shows added up to just 142 minutes, as Grist contributor Lisa Hymas points out in her latest column.

But it looks like the tides are starting to turn. Climate coverage is on the rise in 2019, and most of that momentum can be attributed to the popularity of a progressive proposal called the Green New Deal, Hymas writes.

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Here’s what’s different this year: Over the course of his presidency, Trump’s inaction on climate change has been the driving force behind major broadcasters’ climate coverage — In 2017, 79 percent of corporate broadcaster coverage of climate change centered around Trump administration actions or statements. But this year, Hymas writes, “Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat from New York, has taken over the driver’s seat.”

We’re only a few months into 2019, and the Washington Post has already published a major climate change package, prime-time coverage of climate change is way up (especially at Fox News), and MSNBC’s Chris Hayes hosted a town hall with AOC about all things climate.

“Whether you love the Green New Deal, hate it, or want to quibble over its specifics, you can’t deny that it’s spurring more discussion of climate policy than the U.S. has ever seen,” Hymas writes.

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Need-to-know basis

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Zoya Teirstein