Articles by Yolanda Crous
Yolanda Crous is a Grist contributing writer based in Santa Barbara, Calif.
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Talk about calling the kettle green
Ever since I read the recent Ask Umbra on the most environmentally friendly ways to boil water, I've been rethinking my tea-making strategy. At present, I'm a practitioner of the stovetop method, but lately I've noticed that, unless I'm really really really paying attention, Early Morning Me tends to put the kettle half on and half off the burner. Not so good for the tea, worse for the environment.
After catching myself committing this particular conservation crime a couple of times this week, I decided it was time to spring for an electric kettle. Lo and behold, I ran across a British contraption called -- what else? -- the Eco Kettle.
Green diswasher detergents compare well with conventional brands
After a long week of paper writing and spreadsheet wrestling, I've got a looot of dishes to do this weekend. Good thing Consumer Reports decided to issue their list of the best dishwasher detergents this week. And guess what? Two green brands -- Ecover and Seventh Generation -- made the grade. (Sorry, faithful box of Cascade. Time to go!)
Tips on being a green driver
I haven't had a car for 11 years. Not because I'm particularly virtuous, but because I moved to Manhattan where there's, um, no place to park one.
But my identity as car owner did not go gently into that good night. Before I left Texas for NYC, I fretted almost constantly about leaving my car stereo, my sunroof -- my freedom! -- behind.
And now -- well, now I'm fretting constantly about becoming a car owner again.
Really, can you get enough?
Just can't get enough of Al-mania? For your consideration, two Gore-centric anecdotes from the Oscar backstage press room, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly: