Articles by Yolanda Crous
Yolanda Crous is a Grist contributing writer based in Santa Barbara, Calif.
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Happy Feet is a travesty
While we're on the topic of Oscar travesties, how about that Best Animated Feature nod for Happy Feet?
Don't get me wrong, I'm psyched that two movies with obvious environmental themes are up for big awards (can't wait for Ellen's climate-change jokes), but it would be nice if they were both good movies.
Oh jeez. Just had a horrible thought. Are they going to make poor Ellen dance with an animated penguin on national TV?
Golden Globe partiers go green
Tonight, you watched a herd of mildly to wildly intoxicated beautiful people congratulating themselves on their artistry, but take heart. At least a small group of them continued the self-celebration responsibly at the "Greenest Party on Earth," sponsored by the Environmental Media Association and E! Television.
In which I finally come around to this whole video pod idea
I've mostly resisted the siren call of viewer-created video content. (One of the most-watched files on YouTube this month was of a guy sledgehammering a PS3 in front of a Best Buy. Really, America? Really?)
And then Thursday night I went to the Seeds of Tolerance Awards in Los Angeles, co-sponsored by the Third Millennium Foundation and Current TV.
Current TV is Al Gore's just-over-a-year-old cable channel, and a third of its programming is viewer-created content. Now, way back in 2005, everyone seemed to be talking about how crazy Al was for letting the public and its digital video cameras run amok on cable television. Then You-know-who-Tube exploded into pop culture in all its OK Go-breaking, PS3-smashing glory.
Who's crazy now, suckas?
An interview with Mary Beth Stanek, General Motors energy director
Trucks with a green hue? GM is in heaven. What a difference three bucks a gallon makes. In the past year, General Motors has rallied state and federal support to […]