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Articles by Worldwatch Institute

Worldwatch Institute is an independent research organization working for an environmentally sustainable and socially just society.

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555 — height, in feet, of the Washington Monument, the tallest structure in Washington, D.C. 575 — height, in feet, of the new Three Gorges Dam in China (which is also wider than 100 Washington Monuments standing edge to edge) 4.3 million — cubic meters of concrete needed to build the Panama Canal 26.4 million — cubic meters of concrete needed to build the Three Gorges Dam 80 — number of cracks, up to 8 feet in depth, that have appeared in the Three Gorges Dam since its construction 1 53 — number of engineers and other experts in China who in 2000 urged their country’s government to rethink its plans to push ahead with the Three Gorges Dam2 16,000* — number of Native Americans who were forced to abandon their homes and land in the infamous Trail of Tears emigration of 1838 3 1,900,000 — number of Chinese citizens who could ultimately be forced to abandon their homes and land because of the building of the Three Gorges Dam 4 40 — percentage of farmers displaced by the Three Gorges Dam who will not receive land in compensation, according to current plans 5 40 — percentage of migrant laborers displaced by the dam thus... Read more