Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
All Articles
Crop flops: GMOs lead ag down the wrong path
GMO products rarely deliver on the hype, but they've pushed our agricultural system to a critical crossroads -- that's why they matter. First in a series of responses to our coverage.
One weird trick to fix farms forever
Does David Brandt hold the secret for turning industrial agriculture from global-warming problem to carbon solution?
The real reason Kansas is running out of water
A new study finds that a small reduction in farmers' water use could help save Kansas agriculture. But why is it using so much water in the first place?
6 mind-boggling facts about farms in China
China's industrial behemoth hasn't just fouled up the vast nation's water; it's also taken a big bite out of its land.