Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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Revelations from the House egg-recall hearing
On Wednesday, the House hauled in major players from the 550-million egg recall. Some squawked like caged hens. Others kept their beaks shut. Analysis follows.
It's official: Jack DeCoster rules the U.S. egg roost
In my Monday post, I couldn't quite establish that "habitual violator" Jack DeCoster controls the largest U.S. egg conglomerate. But new information has emerged that allows DeCoster to be crowned definitively king.
UPDATED: With the food safety bill dead, time for the FDA/USDA to grow some backbone
Food safety legislation has officially joined climate legislation as a corpse on the Senate floor. Now the onus is on Obama to purge the food-safety agencies of pervasive industry influence.
Notorious agribiz giant Monsanto hired notorious ‘security’ firm Blackwater
Monsanto hired one of Blackwater's shell companies to monitor activist websites, and the Blackwater offshoot offered to infiltrate activist groups.