Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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The Economist dismisses organic ag, while also making the case for it
This isn’t the only way.I’ve been reading The Economist’s “Special Report on Feeding the World” (intro here). So far, it’s typical Economist: compellingly written and impressively broad in scope — […]
Despite its Horizon brand, dairy giant Dean Foods really doesn’t get organic
Dean Foods is by far the largest U.S. dairy processor. According to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Dean processes 40 percent of fluid milk consumed in the U.S., which it distrubutes […]
Flies and cockroaches carry antibiotic-resistant bacteria from factory farms, study finds
A fly’s paradise: Near a giant hog factory in North Carolina, downed pigs fester while sprayers spread untreated manure onto fields. Photo: Steve WingWhat sort of antibiotic-resistant pathogens are growing […]
BP’s oil: still causing trouble in the Gulf
BP’s vast oil spill may be out of the headlines, but its oil isn’t out of the Gulf. Reports the Associated Press: Oil from the BP spill remains stuck on […]