Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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Is there really so much money in environmental devastation that it can’t be stopped?
In the Nov. 12 New Yorker, Elizabeth Kolbert published an article (unavailable online; abstract here) typical of her style: spare, restrained, vivid, cogent, devastating. The topic was Canada’s tar sands, […]
The NYT gets its hands dirty
In Italy and France, people don’t love small farms just for the delicious food they produce. They also prize them for their looks — small-scale diversified agriculture is pleasing to […]
A response to my critics
Last week’s Victual Reality column startled a lot of sustainable-food advocates, particularly folks not immersed in the details of U.S. farm policy. Subsidies, I argued, do not cause the ravages […]
Another study shows organic ag outpacing conventional
Apologists for industrial food production often level what they see as a devastating charge against organic agriculture: that it could never "feed the world." The claim goes like this: industrial […]