Articles by Todd Woody
Todd Woody is a California-based environmental journalist who focuses on ocean issues.
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San Francisco mayor calls for city to go 100% renewable by 2020
San Francisco’s mayor wants an all-renewable town.Photo: jfraserWhere could you get 797 people to stand in line outside a nightclub to attend a $100-a-ticket fundraiser for a nonprofit that advocates […]
Cities with the most energy efficient buildings: L.A., Houston, Detroit, Dallas
It’s that time of year, when the United States Environmental Protection Agency releases its list of the top 10 American cities [PDF] with the most energy efficient buildings. In this […]
Can peer-to-peer sharing green the planet?
It’s all about the connections.Photo: Côte d’AzurBy the third day of any conference, one’s eyes begin to glaze over. But Lisa Gansky provided an intellectual jolt on the final morning […]
This year’s Cleantech Forum: Less sexy, more efficient
Looking for new ways to get in the cleantech game.Photo: emilydickinsonridesabmxIt’s a rite of spring, the annual Cleantech Forum in San Francisco. Venture capitalists, startup entrepreneurs, and various hangers-on gather […]