Articles by Terry Tamminen
Terry Tamminen is the former secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency and is now a policy adviser and author. His latest book is Watercolors: How JJ the Whale Saved Us.
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Colorado Springs goes dark, Lexington goes bright
Dickens begins his novel with the famous line “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Were he writing today about the two American cities -- Lexington, Mass. and Colorado Springs, Colo. -- he might say, “It was the brightest of towns, it was the dimmest of towns.” In this case, bright and dim refer quite literally to light levels, but also to the decision making of two very different sets of civic leaders.
Let the iPhone Save the Planet
About three years ago, I sat next to a man on a plane who was watching “Pirates of the Caribbean” on his iPod. I couldn’t imagine it being much fun, […]
BP Fails to Make Top Ten
Fingers crossed. BP’s oil leak has apparently stopped shy of 200 million gallons spewed into the Gulf of Mexico and a few million more burned off into plumes of toxic […]
Hitachi and Schwarzenegger
Hitachi’s Plant Technologies division and two cities in Japan are selling treated sewage water to an iron ore mining company in West Australia for use in industrial processes that today […]