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Articles by Ted Glick

Ted Glick is the national policy director for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. Past writings and more information can be found here.

All Articles

  • The Power of Multi-Day Walks and Rides

    Over the last two years, as part of my work on the climate crisis, I’ve been part of two multi-day bike rides and two multi-day walks, all of which were valuable in a number of ways. The two bike rides were the five-day, 300 mile, NYC to DC Climate Rides in 2012 and 2013, and […]

  • Marching on DC for Voting Rights, Racial Justice and Climate Action

    On April 4, 1967, exactly a year before he was killed, Dr. King named ‘materialism’ as one of the deadly triplets afflicting America: ‘When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered.’ “At that point, he […]

  • The Climate Movement and the 2014 Elections

    Here’s a thought: hundreds of local climate activists around the country running for federal, state and local offices in 2014, doing so in a connected way and with solutions to the climate crisis at the top of the list of issues they consistently talk about. Given the urgency of the crisis, this seems to me […]

  • Walking for Our Grandchildren

    From Friday, July 19th to Saturday, July 27th, through high heat, humidity, lightning storms and more, scores of people walked from Camp David to Harpers Ferry to the White House. Some walked the entire route, about 100 miles. This was an historic Walk for Our Grandchildren ( as part of’s Summer Heat campaign. On […]