Articles by Ted Glick
Ted Glick is the national policy director for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. Past writings and more information can be found here.
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Walking on Two Legs
Cochabamba, Bolivia, April 19, 2010 At the end of my third day in Cochabamba and after the first day of the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights […]
Climate legislation, science and activism
It is a very unfortunate fact that what the U.S. Senate does about the climate crisis, and when, is decisive when it comes to the possibility of an eventual solution to that absolutely critical issue. If the Senate does nothing, or very little, this year or for the next few years, the odds of staying this side of climate tipping points and avoiding climate catastrophe are definitely worsened, and they’re not so good right now.
Climate and political tipping points
There’s a famous quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” However, according to Wikipedia, it may […]
Upping the ante on climate
Just about one year ago today, Barack Obama was inaugurated as President. Hopes were high among progressive-minded people, including climate activists. Finally, we had a President who got it on […]