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Articles by Susan Lyon

Susan Lyon is a Special Assistant for Energy Policy at American Progress. Most recently, Susan was a Progressive Media intern at American Progress. Since graduating in spring 2009, she has conducted research for a forthcoming book on climate geoengineering and also worked with Earthjustice's legislative team on a variety of environmental campaigns.

Featured Article

Is Congress moving us toward a fuel-efficient future? Plug-in hybrid electric cars could be the cars of tomorrow.Photo courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory

Oil, oil, everywhere, but not a drop for fuel. This is the stark view of Gulf Coast residents who see a 24,500 square mile oil slick menacing their shores. The devastating BP oil disaster has clearly increased the urgency to dramatically reduce America’s oil consumption; and cutting our consumption would save consumers money, reduce foreign oil imports, help our economy, increase national security, and reduce global warming pollution.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has indicated that oil use reduction (or “oil savings”) provisions would be a central element of the clean energy legislation he plans to bring to the Senate floor in mid July. And a number of other senators have introduced legislation that would either reduce oil use from many sources or focus on a specific sector. By selecting the best provisions from each bill it’s possible to craft a program that would reduce oil use by one-third or more by 2030.

There are three primary ways to reduce oil use: make car... Read more